
This game is English only.Chronos, the merciless God of time, plans a devastating attack on Greece but he knows that he cannot put his cruel plan in action with Hercules in his way! In an attempt to get rid of his adversary, Chronos casts a powerful spell on Hercules, aging the immortal hero, taking away his might and vigor. Hercules, deprived of his divine strength, takes the last leap of faith and throws his magic hammer through the time portal… Any hero who finds it will inherit all of Hercules’ power and will have the ability to defeat Chronos!
Follow Alexis, the teenage daughter of Hercules himself, as she takes up her father’s hammer and becomes the mighty warrior she always dreamt she’d become. Help Alexis recruit allies, build forces and prepare for the battle of the century. There is no time to lose: the clock is ticking!

This game is English only.New Yankee is back with a time-tripping adventure! Join the world's best-traveled couple on a their quest to return home! Face dangerous creatures of legend, mind-bending challenges and the hero's own insatiable appetite as you complete fun time management levels! Enjoy the magic of interactive storytelling while you join John and Mary on their most astonishing journey yet!

This game is English only.A hot summer day in a beautiful garden was going to be as relaxing and peaceful as ever… until a powerful wave tore through destroying everything in its path! What caused it? What kind of creature can move so fast that even the hero's sharp eyes can't see it? Hercules knows that he can't allow this beast to roam the land causing chaos in its wake, so he decides to challenge the creature. But he needs to catch up to it first!
Join Hercules on an ultrasonic quest through Ancient Greece. Face the unexpected consequences of brewing a magic potion, discover secret boosts, travel to snowy mountain peaks and warm sea shores: everything is possible when you’re moving at the speed of light! No time to lose - play Hercules X: Greed for Speed Collector’s Edition!

This game is English only.The forces of evil don't stand a chance when the heroic Viking family embarks on an epic quest to save Midgard! Scale new heights of adventure as brothers Everand and Boromere and sisters Helga and Brunnhilde band together for the first time to pursue an evil sorcerer who has unleashed a flurry of devastating storms on Midgard!

This game is English only.The popular Northern Tale series continues! Peaceful life in the north was over with the attack of Hesta's henchmen. Vikings fought bravely and pushed the enemies back. The battle against the hordes of evil spirits lasted three days and three nights. The enemies were strong, but they were confronted by the courage of the heroes. Ragnar must return to Earth from Valhalla to protect his people again!

This game is English only.Hercules is back and he’s about to embark on an adventure that leads to love and romance!After meeting a distraught young woman on the shore, Hercules learns that her sister, as well as her loveable cat, have been kidnapped by vicious Cretans. Thankfully, these villains are also braggarts and left clues to their whereabouts. Now, Hercules must follow them to find the girl, and have a chance at winning Megara’s favor.

Et skib bliver fanget i en storm og kæntrer til søs. En gruppe mennesker kommer fra borde i redningsbådene og sejler til den nærmeste tropeø. Så snart de lander på øen, begynder mystiske ting at ske! Overlev øens farer mens du finder mad, samler frugt og dyrker grøntsager på øen. The Island: Skibsbrud er et sjovt og spændende strategispil.

I Nightmare Realm tager du på rejse ind i en drømmeverden, der er blevet overtaget af mørket. Klar dig gennem scener med skjulte genstande og kæmp mod en mystisk hætteklædt skikkelse, mens du leder efter din datter Emily og hendes magiske tegninger. Få hjælp af drømmeverdenens beboere, løs udfordrende opgaver på din vej og find din Emily, før tiden løber ud. Kan kærligheden til din datter og de stærke familiebånd vinde over truslen fra mørket?

Tag af sted i jagten på en stor karriere i Path To Succes! Opsøg et hav af muligheder, hvor kun din egen fantasi sætter grænsen i dette sjove strategispil. Byg din karriere op fra bunden, tag kurser på universitetet, få de fedeste jobs, spis på de fineste restauranter, udsmyk din lejlighed og konkurrer mod de andre spillere i byen. Udlev din drøm en dag ad gangen og gå jagt efter rigdom og lykke i Path To Succes!

Du er blevet udnævnt til assistent for hofarkitekten Senmut, og du har fået den overvældende opgave at genopbygge Egyptens landsbyer og kaste glans over landet! Kun du kan redde Egyptens folk fra gudernes straf og et land indhyllet i mørke. Ansæt arbejdere, hold styr på dine ressourcer, byg spændende bygninger og hold røvere og krokodiller på afstand!